Leveraging employee influence to boost your reputation
Mental health is a priority in today’s workplaces, and employees want to feel valued and supported. To enhance well-being, companies are offering remote work, wellness progra
Cultivating client loyalty: Miu Miu’s connection with Dr. Qin Huilan
Clienteling is pivotal for fashion brands aiming to deeply engage with customers. Miu Miu showcased this by inviting Dr. Qin Huilan to its Paris Fashion Week show, emphasising pers
Captivating audiences: How can viral products drive brand success ?
In today’s dynamic marketing landscape, the path to brand success often revolves around the creation of viral products that captivate consumers. Analysing the triumphs of Rho
Mastering social media dynamics for luxury brands in 2024
In a world where luxury and digital intertwine, how are the titans of the fashion and luxury industry shaping their narrative on social media ? And what is steering their digital p
Social Media and the Stock Market
They’ve made their presence felt when it comes to affecting the fortunes of companies in the domains of travel, fashion and lifestyle to name but a few. Now influencers and socia
Using Social Media to Secure B2B Investment
Securing investment is one of the greatest challenges in a company’s journey and while social media hasn’t conventionally been viewed as a significant factor in attracting fina
How Gen Z is setting the bar for social media marketing
If you had to summarise Gen Z in one word, it wouldn’t be easy. After Millennials dominated consumer culture for years, the torch has been passed down to the new generation defin
5 Reasons Why Luxury Brands Should be Embracing TikTok
Since TikTok exploded onto the social media scene in 2017, it has been downloaded over 2.6 billion times and is the platform of choice for Generation Z, boasting the highest engage
Influencers, social media and PR: The recipe for a successful marketing campaign
The power of the influencer is anything but in decline. We witnessed it throughout 2020 as the UK government and the NHS partnered with content creators to fight the war against mi